Hey Guys, This Message Is Very Importnat for you So Don’t Ignore this, If You Are open older posts from website and after the captcha solved you find multiple links but non of them working, then don’t worry there is an option for you. If You had seen Hubdrive Link then open it, if it isn’t working then Open that link with Any VPN (it also works after changing domain name but sometimes it also changes) And after that you have to login again (sometimes already logged if you logged on new domain link) And it is also Don’t Work then in Telegram (You Will found Channel link in Uploaded Posts on their Left Corner Side) We made Discussion Group For it not only for requests but also for problem solving. In DM admins will not help you and it also blocked you so, Try to tag admins in Group.
And Also Give Reaction to Every Post of Channel and also in site, It Takes a few second of yours but behind that there is lot of hard work, It will give a motivation for doing more content uploads (This is a Free process, not even a pannie will deduct So DO IT) ??
Broken Link? Let Us Know!
Tips: If you encountered a Dead Link, please let us know through the Re-Upload Center. Make sure to check all available mirrors before requesting a Re-Upload. Thank you!
Good Work Keep it UP
Keep it up and I say something please add Punjabi movies